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* Over 30 Years of Criminal Justice Experience

 News Commentator on DUI Legal Issues 

DUI specialist
Impaired Driving Defense Attorney Jim Medley has been featured on television news programs to make legal commentary on current high profile events in DUI law, such as forced blood draws and excessive force in police blood draws. Jim is also an expert witness on police use of force in general.
 DUI Defense Lawyer
Best DUI lawyer
DUI defense
Denver DUI specialist
 In over 22 years of DUI defense, Jim has had over 600 impaired driving cases dismissed or found Not Guilty by juries. Jim Medley has attended over 1000 hours of legal in-service training in DUI defense trial techniques, blood testing science, breath testing science, sobriety testing science, and legal updates. He has investigated and fought a wide range of charges as a DUI lawyer, including: first time DUI, multiple offense DUI (many clients with three or more prior DUIs), DUI with a child in the vehicle, and DUI with a crash.    Attorney Jim Medley has also had DUI CASES DISMISSED involving many different suspected intoxicants, including: alcohol, smoked marijuana alprazolam, clonazepam, carisoprodol, hydrocodone, Adderall, cocaine, and DUI from cannabis edibles.

 Former Police Officer and DUI Instructor 

Jim Medley was first trained in police DUI roadside exercises in 1993 by Texas A&M. He became certified as an instructor of roadside exercises in 2004 at the University of North Florida. For four years, Jim was an instructor of DUI roadsides at the University of Houston Downtown Police Academy. Jim Medley has been invited to teach even the best DUI defense lawyers how to defend clients against sobriety exercises across the country for over 17 years.

 Professor of Criminal Justice 

 For seven years Jim was a college professor, teaching students who were studying to become police officers, correctional officers, and probation officers. Among many subjects, Jim taught criminal laws and DUI arrest procedures to Criminal Justice students. Jim continues teaching as a adjunct Criminal Justice professor.

Colorado DUI attorney

Expert Witness in DUI Procedures

Jim Medley has been retained by some of the best DUI lawyers in the country  as an expert witness to teach judges and juries about the scientific studies that have been done on DUI roadside exercise accuracy. Jim has also testified as an expert about breath alcohol testing and about possible inaccuracies in blood testing in driving under the influence cases.

* Attorney Medley's Advanced Forensic Education

Master of Science degree in Forensic Toxicology 

Since 2006,  Attorney Jim Medley  has held an advanced degree  and has been a recognized expert in Forensic Toxicology. Forensic Toxicology is the   study of the use of scientific information about drugs/ poisons as evidence in court.  The best Colorado DUI defense lawyers have to hold skills in challenging  forensic evidence.  The first step in having those skills  is  knowing  the scientific  facts better  than the  police, police chemists, and the prosecutors.

Forensic scientist

Graduate Certificate in Cannabis Science and Medicine

Forensic expert Jim Medley has completed advanced education in cannabis science at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical School. After over 20 years as DUI defense lawyer, Attorney Jim Medley has taken his advanced education in Forensic Toxicology and attended an advanced study specific to the pharmacology of marijuana products. These medical school courses were taught by the top medical and scientific experts on the topic of cannabis medicine in the world.

Best DUI lawyer

Do I Need a Denver DUI Defense Expert?

Some say that defending a DUI can be more complex than defending a Murder charge. Police officers attend police training to be able to go into court and testify as “certified experts” on DUI arrests. This largely fake credential can make the simple opinion of an officer carry more weight to a judge or a jury than your own side of the story. Some officers are so practiced at testifying about the junk science of police DUI testing, that they pride themselves in overcoming lawyers’ legal arguments. If the lawyer fighting by your side is not an expert in forensic sciences like: blood testing, breath testing, and sobriety testing, your defense could be overwhelmed by officers who are trained to evade the predictable questioning of average lawyers.

Jim Medley Defense Lawyer





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